Monday, January 13, 2014

January Farm Plan

Updated with progress 1/18
This year we have put together a farm plan to keep us on track for the coming year. I thought I would share it each month along with updates about what we have completed. 

Start lettuce
Start onions - done
Start sweet potatoe slips
Start cilantro - done
Order seeds - in progress

Get pig farrowing shed ready - both sows are expected to farrow.  - done and pigs in shed
Note - we are maintaining 2 sows and a boar. Both sows farrow once per year and we expect to raise out 10-12 pigs for fall butchering. One sow will be replaced this year from off farm. 
Incubate first batch of chicks. 

Crops and Feed:
Disc garden - we usually get an early dry spell before the rainy season and if I want to plant peas in February, I have to disc early. - done
Finish threshing out seed for next year - sorghum and dry beans - beans done

Harvesting and Food Presrvation:
Can pumpkin - done
Dehydrate garlic - done
Can and dry hominy - done
Gather sap and make maple syrup - taps in but weather no cooperating
Can butter - goal 5 pints per week - in progress 12 pints so far
Dehydrate milk - in progress
Dehydrate buttermilk - in progress
Dehydrate eggs
Crack and shell nuts - walnuts and hazelnuts - walnuts done
Butcher steer (this would usually be done in Dec)
Butcher pigs (this would usually be done in Nov)

Miscellaneous Farm:
Gather downed limbs for firewood - pulled out of forest, need to haul to wood shed
Tan cow hide
Cut firewood

Fabric and Fiber:
Sew personal items - partially done
Make beeswax bags and food wraps - partially done
Spin wool for knitting - 2 balls done, need at least 1 more this onth
Knit 4 sets of socks - in progress
Cut out and piece a quilt top

Family Medicine Chest:
Make tallow soap
Make family de-wormer

Orchard and Berries:
Spray for peach curl
Prune blueberries and grapes -done
Root desired bushes and vines - done

Finish processing room and get outside wood cookstove in operation. 
Horse training is on-going by older girls. 

1 comment:

  1. You are inspiring! Thanks for leaving a comment over on my website. I'd love to meet you! Maybe we could pay each other farm visits?
    - Miranda
